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Putting Americans back to work

We must put Americans back to work and restore the Economy by rebuilding the American infrastructure. We must restore hope for American workers that they will have a place in the American Free Enterprise System. That they are more than serfs or indentured servants.

Rebuild America

Put the unemployed back to work rebuilding America. Distribute tax revenues from the bloated top heavy bureaucracy of Washington and the federal Alphabet Agencies money to rebuild the aging infrastructure of America throughout the States and local governments whose economic well being is the foundation of our Republic.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt built his New Deal on rebuilding American infrastructure, sustaining American agriculture, and enabling music, the arts and American culture to grow and flourish. It worked!

During World War II, American workers built the greatest manufacturing system the world had ever known. The American Free Enterprise System became the foundation for the greatest Industrial Economy the World had ever seen. What has happened since those great days? The gospel of Wall Street has become the Bible for big business. Greed is good. Workers, the source of all wealth, are nothing more than serfs and indentured servants of the rich and powerful— the “one-percenters.”

End corporate welfare

Trickle-down economics doesn’t work. It never gets past the liveried lackeys of the rich and powerful. The tens of millions of unemployed workers who have been forced to depend upon the largess of soulless, stateless, multinational, conglomerate corporations to eke out an existence without hope because they are buried under crushing debt and live with the threat of untimely death because they cannot afford adequate healthcare, need jobs.

Big business and multinational corporations do not need handouts from Congress. Hard-working taxpayers are tired of having their pockets picked by their elected representatives and seeing their hard-earned money go to support the lifestyles of the one-percenters who rule America in the name of big business.

The American Free Enterprise System which is the heart and soul of the American Dream is about to be destroyed. It is time for the Congress, the president of the United States, the Governors of every state, and every elected official throughout the country to stand together and do what has to be done.

What to do now

First immediately adopt a national policy to  manage a coherent, well-organized national response to the COVID-19 pandemic and establish national policies to deal with future pandemics and large scale nationwide epidemics . It is obvious that the inconsistent and often incompatible public health systems of the several states must become subject to coordination at the highest level of the national government. Public health in the United States during a pandemic is a vital issue of national secxurity

The Governor of each state must identify all those public works and infrastructure projects which can be started as soon as the acute phase of the pandemic passes but no later than when a vaccine to prevent the disease or an appropriate medication becomes available to treat the disease, whichever occurs first.

Congress must be prepared to provide the funds necessary to support the states as they put their residents back to work rebuilding the national infrastructure. The ripple effect from large infrastructure projects throughout the country will quickly facilitate the return of the myriad small businesses which always arise to support large projects.

The criminal “justice” system is broken

The states must restructure and rebuild their criminal justice systems from the ground up starting with their police forces and local district attorneys, and continuing all the way through the entire judicial system to their highest appellate courts.

Governors and State Legislators must look at the overwhelming evidence that the poor, particularly if they are black or brown, are the people most often harassed and arrested by the police. The poor are in jail awaiting trial because they cannot make cash bail and do not own real property of any value. The poor, particularly if they are black or brown, are most often sentenced to lengthy prison terms for non-violent crimes.

The so-called war on drugs has been lost and is a greater social failure than Prohibition was. It has sapped our national strength of character and empties our national treasury. The president and the Congress must confront the epidemic of drug addiction and treat it as the public health crisis it really is. Whether purchased on the street or prescribed by a doctor and purchased at the local pharmacy, addictive drugs are a symptom of national malaise, not the cause.

A free and appropriate public education for every student

The Congress must address the abject failure to provide every person with the opportunity to obtain a free and appropriate public education everywhere in the United States. The disparity in educational opportunity associated solely with income and race can no longer be ignored. America as a nation and our national economy cannot allow another generation to enter the workplace without the skills to ever achieve the American Dream.

Higher education must become more affordable and the tyranny of tuition and the usurious terms imposed on students who must borrow money to attain any kind of higher education even at State supported community colleges, colleges, and universities must be eased. Start with prohibiting the practice of interest on interest forever. It used to be the province of criminal “loan sharks” but has now become the basic practice of those who provide student loans.

Find the money

Congress has already found a way to print trillions of dollars for the benefit of big business, big banks, and their biggest campaign contributors. The American people must demand that their elected representative find the money to rebuild America and put Americans back to work.