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Home » About » Major Litigation » The Agent Orange Litigation » Private: The Agent Orange Litigation MDL–381 » Forgotten civilians of Eglin Air Force Base
20181024-1_Forgotten Civilians of Eglin Air Force Base, Jon Kalish

20181024-1_Forgotten Civilians of Eglin Air Force Base, Jon Kalish

During the Vietnam War the U.S. military defoliated large swaths of Vietnam with Agent Orange to deprive enemy forces of jungle cover. In the process it exposed American soldiers to this toxic chemical as well.

Our own civilians back in the U.S. were also exposed to Agent Orange, along with other herbicides. They were involved in testing herbicides at an Air Force base in Florida throughout the 1960s. Dozens of civilians involved in the testing at the base say that more than 40 years after their exposure, they are ill and dying. (Billy McLean (L) and Von Jones pictured. Credit: Jon Kalish)

20181024-2_Forgotten Civilians of Eglin Air Force Base, Jon Kalish

20181024-2_Forgotten Civilians of Eglin Air Force Base, Jon Kalish

Jon Kalish reports from the Florida panhandle on Agent Orange and “The Forgotten Civilians of Eglin Air Force Base.”

Radio report by independent Journalist Jon Kalish

20181024-3_Forgotten Civilians of Eglin Air Force Base, Jon Kalish

20181024-3_Forgotten Civilians of Eglin Air Force Base, Jon Kalish

20181024-4_Forgotten Civilians of Eglin Air Force Base, Jon Kalish

20181024-4_Forgotten Civilians of Eglin Air Force Base, Jon Kalish