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Ionizing radiation litigation

The case against Brookhaven National Laboratory

In the matter of the claim for Workers Compensation Benefits by
Carol Annia Yannacone (nee Meyer) for an occupational disease resulting from exposure to ionizing radiation at Brookhaven National Laboratory operated by Associated Universities, Inc. for the United States Atomic Energy Commission.

The trial hearing transcript

Transcript of the hearing held on November 13, 1961 at the Patchogue hearing point of the New York State Workers Compensation Board before Hon. Jerome L. Blakeman, Referee (Administrative Law Judge); hearing reporter, Mavis Sayburn.
Jacques Smit, Esq. represented the insurance carrier, Liberty Mutual together with counsel and representatives of Associated Universities and the United State Atomic Energy Commission.
Victor John Yannacone, jr., Esq. represented the claimant. [1]

Direct examination of Claimant [2]


Cross-examination of Claimant [23]


Re-direct examination of Claimant [38]
