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Yannalaw: Law the Yannacone way

“When there was a wrong without a remedy: Victor Yannacone— attorney, advocate, trial lawyer, and litigator—challenged the established rules and created new ones for others to follow.”

Setting a New Standard

Victor Yannacone has shaped the body of law through major litigation, trying cases before judges, juries, administrative agencies, and appellate tribunals since 1959. He has brought new technologies, trends and discoveries to courtrooms throughout the country. Those who have worked with him or against him in court agree that his reputation as a passionate crusader and courageous litigator is well earned.
Persuading courts to transform academic theories for legal protection of individuals and the environment into remedies can be a formidable undertaking. The common law may be an unrelated disorganized collection of unrelated often inconsistent precedents. Worst of all it may be non-existent.

Yannacone counsels and represents clients involved in high profile complex cases.

Wth the landmark litigation against DDT, Yannacone is credited with establishing the field of Environmental Law; and together with his wife Carol launching the Environmental Movement. Yannacone established the “public trust doctrine” as the foundation of environmental common law and with it saved the Florissant Fossil Beds from the bulldozers of second home developers, the Oklawaha River System from the Army Corps of Engineers and the Everglades from the U.S. Department of Transportation expansion of the Miami Jetport. As an environmental advocate, he protected agricultural values from Suffolk County, Long Island to the Hanalei River Valley of Kauai and the Jarrah Forest of Western Australia.Yannacone prevented the Atomic Energy Commission from flaring radioactive natural gas in Colorado.

He was the attorney and advocate for the Vietnam combat veterans in the Agent Orange class action.

With expertise in science, technology and medicine, his 50 years of courtroom experience resulted in numerous groundbreaking cases of national and international significance.

Bolstering your Legal Team

As an attorney, a counselor and a crisis manager, Yannacone can assist you, your General Counsel and in-house legal departments. He can craft and coordinate winning strategies inside and outside the courtroom and be your advocate in the Courtroom, with the media, in the boardroom and with your investors and bankers. He can guide and monitor the work of outside law firms in complex and “risk your company” litigation.

Where Others Fail…

Many CEO’s have been entrapped by government prosecutors and due to inappropriate and ineffective legal and media strategies paid substantial fines and even did prison time. Don’t let this happen to you. Conventional “White collar criminal” defense lawyers are often so interested and concerned about “copping” a plea to avoid possible jail time, they rarely consider the damage to your reputation and future employability that plea may cause.

Victor Yannacone understands that winning your case means maintaining your way of life, protecting your reputation, and preserving everything you’ve worked for.

Losing is not an option!