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Yannacone publications

Victor Yannacone has written on many topics throughout his career to inform the public and guide others in the legal profession. Here is a general bibliography.

  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “A Lawyer Answers the Technocrats,” Trial, (August/September) 14– 15 (1969); reprinted in 1 Environment Law Review 34–41, (1970).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Scientists in the Courtroom,” , in Science and the Future of Man, eds. Robert L. Carovillano and James W. Skehan, (Cambridge: The MIT Press) 20–35 (1970).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr. and P. Frangella, “Environmental Concern— The Law and Aviation,” in Master Planning the Aviation Environment, eds. Angelo J. Cerchione, V. E. Rothe, and J. Vercellino, (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press) 121–128 (1970).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environmental Defenders,” in Project Survival, eds. R.C. Gesteland and J.B. Putnam, (Evanston IL: Project Survival Press) 53–67 (1970).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “ Defending the Environment,” in Utilizing Scientific Testimony, Environmental Health—The ATL Monograph Series, ed. J.W. Jeans, (Cincinnati, OH: The W.H. Anderson Company) 4–9. (1970).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr. and Steven G. Davison, “National Environmental Policy Act of 1969,” 1 Environmental Law 8–33, (1970).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Sue The Bastards,” in Earth Day—The Beginning, (New York City: Arno Press/N.Y. Times/Bantam Books) 179–195 (1970).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr. and Steven G. Davison, “Plaintiffs’ Brief in the Project Rulison Case”, 55 Cornell Law Review 761–803, (May 1970).
  • H.L. Harrison, O.L. Loucks, J.W. Mitchell, D.F. Parkhurst, C.R. Tracy, D .G. Watts, and V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Systems Studies of DDT Transport,” Science, 170, 503–508 (30 October 1970).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Natural Resources and Environmental Control,” in Highlights 70, Proceedings 1970 Congress for Recreation and Parks, (National Recreation and Parks Association) 13–35 (1971).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environment and the Law,” in ENVIRONMENT: Resources, Pollution & Society, ed. William W. Murdoch, (Stamford, CT: Sinauer Associates, Inc.) 368–389 (1971).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., S. Udall, E. Higbee, and L. Glasgow, “Turning America Around,” a Panel Discussion, Venture (March 1971) 11–30.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environmental Litigation,” in 1971 Proceedings, Section of Insurance, Negligence and Compensation Law, American Bar Association, (Chicago: American Bar Association) 320–345 (1971).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Miljon, establissemanget och lagstifningen,” (The environment, the establishment and the law) in Delat Ansvar enantologiom manniskan ochmiljon, eds. Lars Gustafsson and Eva Waller, (Sweden: Raben & Sjorgren Bokforlag) 165–188 (1971).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environment and the Law,” 8 Trial Lawyers Quarterly (Fall/Winter, 1971) 13–23.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., with B.S. Cohen and S.G. Davison, Environmental Rights & Remedies, 2 volumes (Rochester, N Y: Lawyers Cooperative Publishing, 1971).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “ Geology: Bedrock of Environmental Legislation,” in Proceedings of the Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, Sixth Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol 3, No. 1 (1971).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “How Much Geology is Relevant to an Eighteen Year Old Voter?” in Proceedings of the Geological Society of America/National Association of Geology Teachers, 1971 Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol 3, N o. 7 (October 1971); reprinted in Journal of Geological Education, XXII (September 1974) 162–166.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environmental Law and the Oligocene,” in Recycle This Book! Ecology, Society and Man, eds. J. David Allan and Arthur J. Hanson, (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., Inc., 1972).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr. with J.T. Atkins, I. Berger, S.M . Hammill, W.G. Kane, M . Pawlukiewicz, C .H. Thomsen, P.G. Truitt, and S.S. Truitt, Huntington Environmental Planning Program, (The Trust For Huntington’s Future, Huntington, N.Y., 1972).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr. and Samuel Grafton, “Children or Chattels?” 8 Trial Lawyers Quarterly (Spring/Fall, 1972) 10–29.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., , “A Veteran Views the Pollution Fight”, Juris Doctor (February 1973) pp. 28–29
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “ Environmental Litigation as a Source of Environmental Information,” in Environmental Science, Technology, Information Resources, ed. S.B. Tuwiner (Noyes Data Corporation) 124–127 (1973).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Law, Legislation and Regulation,” in National Environmental Information Symposium: An Agenda for Progress, Volume 2, (Environmental Protection Agency, NTIA PB-219 071) 340–350 (1973).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Cross-Examination of a Cardiologist to Establish Causal Relationship Between Death and Work Activity, ” in Examination of Medical Experts II, (Matthew Bender) 361–371 (1973).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “The Environmental Audit: Necessary protection for the Investor, Developer or Property Manager,” in National Real Estate Investor, (October 1973) 53–56.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Land Use Crisis: 2 Solutions,” Shopping Center World, (March 1974) 18–23.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., ed., THE ENERGY CRISIS: Danger and Opportunity, (St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1974).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Fossil Fuels Are Not Just For Burning,” Chapter 3 in THE ENERGY CRISIS: Danger and Opportunity, (St. Paul: West Publishing Co.) 151–194 (1974).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “How Shall We Generate Electricity? Criteria for Public Choice.” Chapter 4 in THE ENERGY CRISIS: Danger and Opportunity, (St. Paul: West Publishing Co.) 197–256 (1974).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “The Origins of a National Environmental Policy,” Chapter 12 in THE ENERGY CRISIS: Danger and Opportunity, (St. Paul: West Publishing Co.) 385–396 (1974).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Site Selection: ABA Proposes Legal Reforms,” National Real Estate Investor, (April 1974) 47–49.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “State Siting Authority— What Kind of Agency?” National Real Estate Investor, (M ay 1974) 41–42.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environment, Energy, Society and the Law,” in Proceedings: Symposium on Energy and Society, St. Cloud State College, St. Cloud, Minnesota, (April 26–27, 1974) 31–44 (National Science Foundation Office of Public Understanding).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “ ABA Wants ‘Clear-cut’ Guidelines To Aid Developer on Site Selection,” Plants: Sites & Parks, (May/June, 1974) p 16.
  • V.J. Yannacone jr., ed., Planning, Environmental Science, Aviation, (Chicago: American Bar Association, 1974).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “The Environment and the Law,” Chapter 1 in Planning, Environmental Science, Aviation, (C hicago: American Bar Association, 1974) 1–41.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Landmark Ruling Upholds Local Zoning Laws,” National Real Estate Investor, (June 1974) 37–42.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Court Justifies Limitations on Private Land Use,” National Real Estate Investor (July 1974) 33, 97–98.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “ Environmental Law,” The Forum, IX (Summer 1974) 795–827 (Chicago: American Bar Association Section of Insurance, Negligence & Compensation Law).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Dredge? Fill? Not Without a Federal Permit You Won’t!” National Real Estate Investor, (August 1974) 39–40.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Success of Project Can Depend on Ecological Awareness,” National Real Estate Investor, (September 1974) 33, 99–100.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Property Rights and the Petaluma Plan,” National Real Estate Investor, (October 1974) 33–34, 38, 146.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Has Petaluma tolled the knell for Ramapo?” National Real Estate Investor, (November 1974) 33–34, 36, 114.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environmental Challenges: Trends emerging,” National Real Estate Investor, (December 1974) 27–28.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “HUD and NEPA in Court: A 1974 Review,” National Real Estate Investor, (January 1975) 21, 64.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “The Origins of Our National Environmental Policy,” in Future Land Use: Energy, Environmental and Legal Constraints, eds. R. W. Burchell and D . Listokin, (Center For Urban Studies, Rutgers University, N.J .) 145–189 (1975).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Agricultural Lands, Fertile Soils, Popular Sovereignty, The Trust Doctrine, Environmental Impact Assessment and the Natural Law,” 51 North Dakota Law Review 615–653 (1975).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “`74 Housing Act—Land Use Bill in Disguise,” National Real Estate Investor, (March 1975) 24–25.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Air Quality Data: Key to Compliance With EPA Regulations,” National Real Estate Investor, (May 1975) p 21.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., ed., Environmental Systems Science, (Chicago: American Bar Association, 1975)
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environmental Law/Environmental Systems Science: Interaction at the Interface in Litigation and Legislation,” Chapter 1 in Environmental Systems Science, (Chicago: American Bar Association) 191–326 (1975).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., ed., “The Cross–Florida Barge Canal Counter 102 Statement,” Chapter 4 in Environmental Systems Science, (Chicago: American Bar Association) 383–508 (1975)
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environmental Law,” in The Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, eds. James R. Pfafflin and Edward N. Ziegler, (London: Gordon & Breach) Volume 1, 327–347 (1975).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Clean air politics explored in our most polluted city,” Book Review : Charles O. Jones, Clean Air : The Policies and Politics of Pollution Control,” Planning, (March/April, 1975), 54–55
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Impact Zoning: Answer to exclusionary zoning in suburbia,” National Real Estate Investor (September 1975) 19, 31, 107.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Petaluma Plan Upheld; Setback for construction industry,” National Real Estate Investor, (November 1975) 33, 80.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Ecology & Real Estate,” National Real Estate Investor, (December 1975) 22–23.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Landmark ruling upsets zoning ordinance,” National Real Estate Investor, (January 1976) 17, 42.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Trends in environmental litigation: Is the law reasonable?” National Real Estate Investor, (March 1976) 27, 71.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., J. Rahenkamp, and A.J. Cerchione, “Impact Zoning: Alternative to Exclusion in the Suburbs,” 8 The Urban Lawyer 417–449 (1976); reprinted in The Land Use Awakening: Zoning Law in the Seventies, eds. R. H. Freilich and E. O. Stuhler (Chicago: American Bar Association, Section of U rban, State and Local Government Law, 1981).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environmental Auditing,” Chapter VI, Environmental Law: Practice and Procedure Handbook, ed., A.G. Greenwald, (Chicago: American Bar Association) 165–177 (1976).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Corps ruling restricts wetlands development,” National Real Estate Investor, (July 1976) 23, 53.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Ecological plan saves builder $14 million,” National Real Estate Investor, (September 1976) pg. 24.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Offshore oil presents opportunities, problems,” National Real Estate Investor, (November 1976) 21, 30.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Timetable can save project from fatal delays,” National Real Estate Investor, (March 1977) 26, 28.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Limits on development may force return to the cities,” National Real Estate Investor, (May 1977) 31, 107.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “The energy crisis: New dangers and opportunities,” National Real Estate Investor, (July 1977) 21, 62–63
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Landmark buildings: Millstones or opportunities?” National Real Estate Investor, (September 1977) 24, 83.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Urban renewal through litigation: A proposal,” National Real Estate Investor, (November 1977) 32, 100.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Zoning and land use—Supreme Court bails grandma out of local jail: A review and preview of key land use cases,” National Real Estate Investor, (December 1977) 32–33.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Property and Stewardship: Private Property + Public Interest = Social Property,” 23 South Dakota Law Review 71–148 (1978).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “The Energy Audit: a key factor in site evaluation,” National Real Estate Investor, (January 1978) 24, 73.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Limits on development may force return to the cities,” 46 The Appraisal Journal 128–131 (Chicago : American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, 1978).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Energy Technology: few miracles before 2000,” National Real Estate Investor, (M arch 1978) 28, 84.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Court calls for fair share of least-cost housing,” National Real Estate Investor, (May 1978) 34, 36, 121.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Court rulings should spur use of PUD ordinances,” National Real Estate Investor, (July 1978) 28, 78.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environmental law treatise is improved,” Book Review: Frank P. Grad, Treatise on Environmental Law, second ed., Planning, (August, 1978), 37–38.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Grand Central case an historic opportunity,” National Real Estate Investor, (September 1978) 30, 92
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Water, water, everywhere, but is it safe to drink?” National Real Estate Investor, (November 1978) 24, 100
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr. and W.K. Kavenagh with M .T. Searcy, “DIOXIN: Molecule of Death”, Trial (December 1981) 30–37, 67.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr. and W.K. Kavenagh with M .T. Searcy, “The Agent Orange Litigation: Cooperation for Victory”, Trial (February 1982) 44–49, 77.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr. and W. Keith Kavenagh, “Another Side of ‘Agent Orange’ Issue,” New York Law Journal, (April 22, 1982) p2.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Chemical Defoliation or Chemical Warfare?” International Regulation of Chemical and Biological Warfare Symposium, 13 Toledo Law Review (summer, 1982) 1260–1270.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Lawyers Who Play Detective,” National Law Journal, (21 March 1983) Commentary.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Engineers’ Liability,” in Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook, ed. Myer Kutz (John Wiley & Sons) 1402–1412 (1986).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr. and R.E. Watson, “A New County Should Bloom in Brookhaven,” Newsday, “Viewpoints” (February 1987) OpEd.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Another Opinion of Legal Time Billing,” Risk & Insurance, (April 15, 1993) 5.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “ Ill Gulf War Veterans Deserve Help Now,” Newsday, “Viewpoints” (November 27, 1996) OpEd A47.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “…LI’s economic health depends on public safety…,” Long Island Business News, “Speaking Out” (December 16, 1996) 4.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “…we must make changes in the public school system…,” Long Island Business News, “Speaking Out” (December 23, 1996) 5.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “It’s Time to Raise the Bar,” The Recorder, (April 16, 1997) 4, 6.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Science, Ethics, and Scientific Ethics in the Modern World,” Environmental Geosciences, (December 1999) 164–172
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “The Public Lands,” Explorer (September 2001).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Godspeed, Dr. Marburger,” Long Island Advance, (19 July 2001) Op-Ed.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Deposing Experts,” in Winning Your Case at the Deposition: Effective Tools for the Successful Litigator, (New York State Bar Association) C-43–C-90 (2001).
  • Jacob Green, Deborah Fralicker, William Clewell, Earl Horowitz, Timothy Lucey, V.J. Yannacone, jr., and Constance Haber, “Infrared Photon Stimulation: A New Form of Chronic Pain Therapy,” Chapter 58, in Pain Management, A Practical Guide for Clinicians, Sixth Edition, ed. Richard S. Weiner (American Academy of Pain M anagement/CRC Press) 729–738 (2002).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Timothy C. Weiskel and Lee C. Gerhard, “Water and Energy, the Basis for Human Society: Are They Globally Sustainable Through the 21st Century?” in Sustainability of Energy and Water through the 21st Century, eds. Lee C. Gerhard, P. Patrick Leahy, and V.J. Yannacone, jr. (Kansas Geological Survey) 7–31 (2002).
  • Lee C. Gerhard, Victor J. Yannacone, jr. and Carl J. Smith, eds. Energy and Environment: A Partnership That Works; the Actual Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration and Development On Our Environment (American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2005).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr. and Lena Gitter “A Preliminary Proposal for the Pre-School Education of children from those families in the town of Brookhaven who are unable to utilize fully the existing educational economic, cultural and social opportunities of the Community. ” Prepared for the Town of Brookhaven in June, 1964.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Ecologically Sophisticated, Environmentally Responsible, Socially Relevant, Economically Rational and Politically Feasible Legislation,” invited plenary presentation at Leadership 70 Midwinter Republican Governors Conference, Ronald Reagan, Chair, Hot Springs, Arkansas, December 12, 1969.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., ed.; Moderator, Proceedings of the 1970 High Level Conference, Williamsburgh, VA., American Society of Real Estate Counselors, Chicago, Illinois.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Planning for Compatible Air Transportation in the Metropolitan Environment,” A Summary Paper for the SAE/DOT Conference on Aircraft and the Environment, February 9, 1971, Washington, D.C.
  • An Ecological Planning Study for Wilmington and Dover, Vermont, as consultant to Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd, 1972.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Environmental Auditing,” Luncheon Address, Briefing Conference on Environmental Law, Federal Bar Association/Bureau of National Affairs, Chicago, Illinois, May 1, 1973.
  • Planning for Change, (Northeast Westchester County Environmental Study Team, NEWEST, and the Federated Conservationists of Westchester County, Inc.) as consultant to Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd, 1973.
  • Performance Requirement for the Maintenance of Social Values Represented by the Natural Environment of Medford Township, N.J. (Medford Township, N.J.) as consultant to the Center for Ecological Research in Planning and Design, Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania and Arthur Palmer, Esq., 1974.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Compilation and Analysis of Federal, State, and Local Laws Controlling Non-point Sources of Water Pollution from Agricultural, Silvicultural, Mining and Construction Activities, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Contract m 68–01–2945; as principal investigator with Aspen Systems, Inc. (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency, 1975).
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., in re Agent Orange Product Litigation Study Materials prepared for the American Law Institute–American Bar Association (ali–aba) course of study on Toxic Substances and Hazardous Wastes cosponsored by the Environmental Law Institute, 1980.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Defendants as Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs as Defendants at the Hazardous Waste Litigation Symposium Co-sponsored by Hofstra University School of Law, 1984.
  • Brookhaven County, A Report of the Independent Study Committee of the Town of Brookhaven, N.Y.; as Chairman of the Committee charged with evaluating the feasibility of creating an independent Brookhaven County out of Brookhaven Town in Suffolk County, New York, 1988.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., An Environmental Systems Management Plan for the Hanalei River Valley, Kaua‘i. Presented to the State Senate of Hawai‘i in March, 1993.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Public Communication for GeoScientists, with Kevin B. Molloy, prepared for the Geological Society of America (GSA), October 1994, and used since then as study materials at regional and national seminars of the GSA.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Media Tips for GeoScientists, with Kevin B. Molloy, prepared for the Geological Society of America (GSA), October 1994, and used since then as study materials at regional and national seminars of the GSA.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Patchogue-Medford Board of Education Goals for Excellence in Education, January 1995.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Ethics in the Geosciences, Geological Society of America (GSA) Presidential Conference co-sponsored by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the AAPG Division of Professional Affairs, the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) and the AIPG Foundation, the GSA Foundation and the United States Geological Survey, with a matching grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) presented July 1997 at Mt. Hood in Welches, Oregon.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Legislative Review for Town and Village Justices, Office of Court Administration Town and Village Justices Training Program, New York State Magistrates Association, presented December 1997.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Judicial Ethics for Town and Village Justices, Office of Court Administration Town and Village Justices Training Program, New York State Magistrates Association, presented May 1998.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Confidentiality and the Duty to Disclose , presented to the American Bar Association/Canadian Bar Association Joint Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada on 4 August 1998, as a Presidential CLE Centre Program, jointly sponsored by the Sections of Business Law, General Practice, Tort and Insurance Practice, and the Solo and Small Firm Section of the American Bar Association.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Meeting Societal Resource & Environmental Requirements in the Twenty-first Century, Geological Society of America Conference organized and sponsored by the Division of Environmental Geosciences of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, together with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the AAPG Foundation, the Kansas Geological Survey, the United States Department of Energy, and the United States Geological Survey, presented October 1998 in Taos, New Mexico.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Ethics of Sustainability. Keynote presentation for the Conference, Water and Energy, the Basis of Human Society: Are They Sustainable? organized and sponsored by the Division of Environmental Geosciences of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, together with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the AAPG Foundation, the Kansas Geological Survey, the United States Department of Energy, and the United States Geological Survey, presented October 2000 at Arbor Day Farm, Nebraska City, Nebraska.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Deposing Experts,” featured presentation on 12 October 2000, at the NYSBA CLE Program, Winning Your Case at the Deposition: Effective Tools for the Successful Litigator, co-sponsored by the Torts, Insurance and Compensation Law Section and the Committee on Continuing Legal Education of the New York State Bar Association. [full text with in-line citations]
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Must global terrorism mean the end of Western Civilization and “One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all?” The role of science and engineering, scientists and engineers. Presentation to the National Academies Workshop on Current & Emerging Energy Issues in Washington, DC on 10 October 2001.
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Technological competence: A New Ethical Obligation”, The Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 31 No. 8, March 2016, pp. 13, 22
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., Cyberlaw: A Primer, Part I”, The Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 31 No. 9, April 2016, pp. 10, 27
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “eDiscovery Requires Special Counsel”, The Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 32 No. 2, October 2016, pp. 3, 20
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “eDiscovery: The litigation hold notice”, The Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 32 No. 3, November 2016, pp. 20, 27
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “eDiscovery after the litigation hold notice”, The Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 32 No. 4, December 2016, pp. 8, 23
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Cyber-protection Essentials” The Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 32 No. 5, January, 2017, pp. 5, 21
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Before eDiscovery: Interrogatories or depositions?” The Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 32 No. 6, February, 2017, pp. 8, 25
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “eDiscovery: SocialMedia” The Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 32 No. 7, March, 2017, pp. 18, 26
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Simple Keyword searching is never enoughThe Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 32 No. 6, February, 2018, pp. 18, 26
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Cybersecurity:Re-evaluate your cybersecurityThe Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 34 No. 1, September, 2019, p.15
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Cybersecurity: A brief guideThe Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 34 No. 2, October, 2019, pp. 7, 27
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Juice Jacking means public charging stations are not safeThe Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 34 No. 9, November, 2019, pp. 18, 26
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “More secure browsingThe Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 34 No. 10, December, 2019, pp. 14
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Password managersThe Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 35 No. 1, January, 2020, pp. 12
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Protecting emailThe Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 35 No. 2, February, 2020, pp. 9
  • V.J. Yannacone, jr., “The New NIST Password RecommendationsThe Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 35 No. 3, February, 2020, p. 13
  • Cory H. Morris and V.J. Yannacone, jr., “FOIL, Spoilation, and Litigation Holds…Oh My!The Suffolk Lawyer, www.scba.org, Vol 35 No. 8, December, 2020, pp. 1, 19
  • Cory H. Morris and V.J. Yannacone, jr., “Fees in NY FOIL casesNew York Law Journal, March 1, 2021