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Yannacone publications of limited circulation

“A Preliminary Proposal for the Pre-School Education of children from those families in the town of Brookhaven who are unable to utilize fully the existing educational economic, cultural and social opportunities of the Community.” Prepared for the Town of Brookhaven in June, 1964.

“Ecologically Sophisticated, Environmentally Responsible, Socially Relevant, Economi­cally Rational and Politically Feasible Legislation,” Leadership 70 Midwinter Republi­can Gover­nors Conference, Hot Springs, Arkansas, December 12, 1969.

Ed., Proceedings of the 1970 High Level Conference, Williamsburgh, Va., Ameri­can Society of Real Estate Counselors, Chicago, Illinois.
“Planning for Compatible Air Transportation in the Metropolitan Environment,” A Summa­ry Paper for the SAE/DOT Conference on Aircraft and the Environ­ment, February 9, 1971, Washington, D.C.

An Ecological Planning Study for Wilmington and Dover, Vermont, as consultant to Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd, 1972.
“Environmental Auditing,” Luncheon Address, Briefing Conference on Environ­mental Law, Federal Bar Association/Bureau of National Affairs, Chicago, Illinois, May 1, 1973.

Planning for Change, (Northeast Westchester County Environmental Study Team, NEW­EST, and the Federated Conservationists of Westchester County, Inc.) as consul­tant to Wallace, McHarg, Roberts and Todd, 1973.

Performance Require­ment for the Maintenance of Social Values Repre­sented by the Natural Environment of Medford Township, N.J. (Medford Town­ship, N.J.) as consul­tant to the Center for Ecological Research in Planning and Design, Department of Land­scape

Architecture and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania and Arthur Palmer, Esq., 1974.

Compilation and Analysis of Federal, State, and Local Laws Controlling Non-point Sources of Water Pollution from Agricultural, Silvicultural, Mining and Construc­tion Activities, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Contract №  68–01–2945; as principal investigator with Aspen Systems, Inc. (Washing­ton, D.C.: Environmental Protection Agency, 1975).

in re Agent Orange Product Litigation Study Materials prepared for the American Law Institute–American Bar Association (ali–aba) course of study on Toxic Substances and Hazardous Wastes cosponsored by the Environmental Law Institute, 1980.
Defendants as Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs as Defendants at the Hazardous Waste Litigation Symposium Co-sponsored by Hofstra University School of Law, 1984.

Brookhaven County, A Report of the Independent Study Committee of the Town of Brook­haven, N.Y.; as Chairman of the Committee charged with evaluating the feasibility of creating an indepen­dent Brookhaven County out of Brookhaven Town in Suffolk County, New York, 1988.

An Environmental Systems Management Plan for the Hanalei River Valley, Kaua‘i. Presented to the State Senate of Hawai‘i in March, 1993.

Public Communication for GeoScientists, with Kevin B. Molloy, prepared for the Geological Society of America (GSA), October 1994, and used since then as study materials at regional and national seminars of the GSA.

Media Tips for GeoScientists, with Kevin B. Molloy, prepared for the Geological Society of America (GSA), October 1994, and used since then as study materials at regional and national seminars of the GSA.

Patchogue-Medford Board of Education Goals for Excellence in Education, January 1995.

Legislative Review for Town and Village Justices, Office of Court Administration Town and Village Justices Training Program, New York State Magistrates Association, presented December 1997.

Judicial Ethics for Town and Village Justices, Office of Court Administration Town and Village Justices Training Program, New York State Magistrates Association, presented May 1998.

Confidentiality and the Duty to Disclose, presented to the American Bar Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada on 4 August 1998, as a Presidential CLE Centre Program, jointly sponsored by the Sections of Business Law, General Practice, Tort and Insurance Practice, and the Solo and Small Firm Section.

Ethics in the Geosciences, Geological Society of America (GSA) Presidential Conference co-sponsored by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the AAPG Division of Professional Affairs, the American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG) and the AIPG Foundation, the GSA Foundation and the United States Geological Survey, with a matching grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) presented July 1997 at Mt. Hood in Welches, Oregon.

Meeting Societal Resource & Environmental Requirements in the Twenty-first Century, Geological Society of America Conference organized and sponsored by the Division of Environmental Geosciences of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, together with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the AAPG Foundation, the Kansas Geological Survey, the United States Department of Energy, and the United States Geological Survey, presented October 1998 in Taos, New Mexico.

Ethics of Sustainability. Keynote presentation for the Conference, Water and Energy, the Basis of Human Society: Are They Sustainable? organized and sponsored by the Division of Environmental Geosciences of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, together with the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the AAPG Foundation, the Kansas Geological Survey, the United States Department of Energy, and the United States Geological Survey, presented October 2000 at Arbor Day Farm, Nebraska City, Nebraska.

Must global terrorism mean the end of western civilization and “one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all?” The role of science and engineering, scientists and engineers. Presentation to the National Academies Workshop on Current & Emerging Energy Issues in Washington, DC on 10 October 2001.