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Trials & Litigation

“Most lawyers begin litigation in the law library. Yannacone starts with a vision of the trial in the courtroom and then finds the law he needs to win your case.”

Yannacone has been trying cases before judges, juries, administrative agencies, and appellate tribunals since 1959. He coined the phrase and created the field Environmental Law during the landmark DDT litigation of 1966. In 1969 he established the Environmental Law Section of ATLA (The American Trial Lawyers Association, then wrote the two-volume treatise, Environmental Rights & Remedies, in 1972. He was the chairman, organizer, and moderator of the first American Bar Association National Institute on Environmental Litigation in 1973, where he first presented the concept of an Environmental Audit.
He was the attorney for the Viet Nam combat veterans in the Agent Orange Litigation, the first mass toxic tort class action. He created the now generally accepted “trust fund” concept of class action settlement but first utilized in the Agent Orange litigation.

At the present time he counsels clients involved in high profile complex cases at the interface of law, science, and public policy and acts as an American Barrister to in-house counsel and entrepreneurs with respect to litigation management, public information and education