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Representative Public Appearances & Presentations

Over decades of trail blazing legal work, Victor Yannacone has become a relied upon and much anticipated public speaker. Here are a sampling of his many appearances.

  • September 19, 2023, “Environmental Law & Environmental Litigation,”“” seminar in Global Justice at Yale University
  • May 10, 2017, “Cybersecurity: When will you be hacked?”, Suffolk Academy of Law 3 credit hour Professional Practice interactive CLE program
  • July 19, 2013, “LILCO, LIPA and public power” at the Long Island Metro Business Action (LIMBA) program, Alternative Ideas
  • 5, 19 November 2009 at Bellport High School training in opening statements, direct and cross examination for members of the Brookhaven Youth Court, sponsored by the Brookhaven Youth Bureau in conjunction with the Suffolk County Courts.
  • 18 January 2008, “Anthropogenic Global Warming: Fact or Fiction” LIMBA (Long Island Metro Business Action) Ronkonkoma, NY.
  • 23 March 2005, “Introduction to Geohazards: Design with Nature… or else!” opening lecture for Geology 101 at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY.
  • 22 March 2005, “The Hudson: Revisiting a River of History… and Controversy,” the Geoawareness Week Lecture at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY.
  • 12 June 2004, “National Energy Policy: Implications for the Intermountain West”, at the Independent Petroleum Association of Mountain States Annual Meeting at Vail, Colorado.
  • 23 September 2002, “Oil and Gas E&P, a National Environmental Treasure”, the Luncheon address at the Second Annual AAPG President’s Conference on National Issues, Energy & Environment: A Partnership That Works, Washington, DC.
  • 9 September 2002, “Development: Conflict and Consensus,” in the AAPG Natural Resources Forum, at the Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Section of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.
  • 10 June 2002, “America’s Energy Future,” in the Public Outreach Session at the Midyear Meeting of IOGCC, the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, Traverse City, Michigan.
  • 15 May 2002, “Rational Science for Rational Policy: Geology Serving Science Through Public Communication,” in the Session, Geology for Public Policy, at the 98 Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of America, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon sponsored by the Institute for Earth Science and the Environment.
  • 21 April 2002, “Judicial Ethics,” New York State Magistrates Association Continuing Judicial Education (MCJE) program, Riverhead, NY.
  • 12 April 2002, “Bush Administration:· A One-Year Report Card,” Fifty-fourth Conference on World Affairs, April 8–12
  • 10 April 2002, “The Beauty of Music and Why We Destroy It–Part II,” Fifty-fourth Annual Conference on World Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder, Co.
  • 10 April 2002, “Kyoto Protocol: U.S. Refusal to Join,” Fifty-fourth Annual Conference on World Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder, Co.
  • 09 April 2002, “Practicing Activist Law,” Fifty-fourth Annual Conference on World Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder, Co.
  • 09 April 2002, “Ethics in Science and Public Policy: Going, Going, Gone,” Fifty-fourth Annual Conference on World Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder, Co.
  • 08 April 2002, “Hot Under the Collar: The Global Warming Debate,” Fifty-fourth Annual Conference on World Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder, Co.
  • 25 February 2002, “Leading by Example: Public Information & Education about Oil & Natural Gas,” IOGCC (Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission) Spring Quarterly Business Meeting
  • 19 February 2002, “Environmental Commitment: Public Perception is Really Reality,” IAGC (International Association of Geophysical Contractors) Environmental Conference, Geophysical Operations and the Environment: Perception and Reality, Houston, TX.
  • 15 November 2001, “Independent Producers: Are We Really the Public Enemy?” Dinner–Keynote Address at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Independent Oil & Gas Association of New York in cooperation with the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Amherst, N.Y.
  • 4 November 2001, “Resume Review & Career Development” in the session, Employment Opportunities in the Geological Sciences, at The Geological society of America Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
  • 10 October 2001, “Must Global Terrorism Mean the End of Western Civilization and “One Nation, under God, with Liberty and Justice for All? The Role of Science and Engineering, Scientists and Engineers” at the National Academies Energy Workshop, 9–11 October 2001, Washington, DC.
  • 9 September 2001, “Utilizing a National Outcome System for Resolution of Medical Legal Disputes,” at the 12 Annual Clinical th Meeting of the American Academy of Pain Management, Pain Management: A Challenge for the New Millennium, Arlington, Virginia.
  • 6 September 2001, “Infrared Energy and Human Physiology,” at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Medical Infrared Imaging, Arlington, Virginia.
  • 19 April 2001. Comments at the release of “Coming Home to War” a history by Gerald Nicosia hosted by United States Senator John Kerry at the Senate Office Building. C-Span video
  • 12 October 2000, “Deposing Experts,” in the NYSBA CLE Program, Winning Your Case at the Deposition: Effective Tools for the Successful Litigator, co-sponsored by the Torts, Insurance and Compensation Law Section and the Committee on Continuing Legal Education of the New York State Bar Association.
  • 6 May 2000, Judicial Ethics, New York State Magistrates Association OCA Continuing Judicial Education (MCJE) program, Riverhead, NY.
  • 4 December 1999, Review of Recent Legislation, New York State Magistrates Association OCA Continuing Judicial Education (MCJE) program, Riverhead, NY.
  • 21 February 1999, at Touro Law Center, Adjudicator (Judge) in the American Bar Association Law Student Division 1999 Regional Client Counseling Competition in Criminal Law.
  • 21 February 1999, Judge, American Bar Association Law Student Division 1999 Regional Client Counseling Competition in Criminal Law, Touro Law Center, Huntington, NY.
  • 27 January 1999 at Bellport High School, and each year thereafter through 2002, instructions and swearing in of the members of the Brookhaven Youth Court, sponsored by the Brookhaven Youth Bureau in conjunction with the Suffolk County Family Court.
  • 3 August, 1998, at the American Bar Association Annual Meeting in Toronto, “Confidentiality and the Duty to Disclose” a Presidential CLE Centre Program jointly sponsored by the Sections of Business Law, General Practice, Tort and Insurance Practice, and the Solo and Small Firm Section.
  • May, 1998, Judicial Ethics, New York State Magistrates Association OCA Continuing Judicial Education (MCJE) program, and in December, 1997 I delivered the Review of Recent Legislation lecture in the same program. December, 1997 Review of Recent Legislation, New York State Magistrates Association Continuing Judicial Education (MCJE) program, Riverhead, NY.
  • 17 September 1997, The Bernard Edwards MD Memorial Lecture at the American Academy of Medical Infrared Imaging program on New & Innovative Use of Infrared Imaging, Washington, DC.
  • 17-21 July 1997, “Professional Ethics… Geoscientists as Professionals… Geoscience as a Profession,” Geological Society of America Presidential Conference, Ethics in the Geosciences, Mt. Hood, Oregon
  • 23 September 2002, “Oil and Gas E&P, a National Environmental Treasure”
  • October 1996, presented the all-day seminar, “Public Communications and Public Controversy” at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Seattle.
  • 28 September 1996, “Fraud,” in the symposium on Forensic Issues in Pain Management at the Clinical Meeting of the American Academy of Pain Management, Washington, DC.
  • 25 September 1996, “Technical Considerations of Infrared Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection,” (with Maurice Bales, Bales Scientific, Inc.) at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Medical Infrared Imaging, Washington, DC.
  • 25 September 1996, “Saving Lives Through Applied New Medical Science: Thermomammography,” at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Medical Infrared Imaging, Washington, DC.
  • 4 November 1995, Public Communications for Geoscientists, presented an all-day seminar at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.
  • 28 April 1995, Institute for Environmental Education Media Workshop, conducted the all-day at the North Central/South Central Sections Meeting of the Geological Society of America at Lincoln, NB.
  • 19 March 1995, Institute for Environmental Education Media Workshop, conducted the all-day workshop at the Northeastern Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America at Cromwell, CT.
  • 23 October 1994, Public Communications for GeoScientists, presented the all-day seminar at the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Seattle, WA.
  • 1–4 April 1993, Faculty, Annual Meeting, American Academy of Medical Infrared Imaging; Orlando, FL.
  • 18–20 March 1993 “Toxic Exposure in the Workplace; Third-party Liability” presented at the Second Annual Workers’ Compensation Defense and Occupational Medicine Seminar, San Francisco, CA.
  • 12–13 March 1993 Faculty, Workers’ Comp: A Complex System, Thirty-fourth Annual Kentucky Occupational Medical Association Meeting in Association with Louisville, Kentucky Association of Occupational Health Nurses; co-sponsored by: The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine; Louisville, KY.
  • 22 July 1992 “Occupational Disease” presented at the First Annual Workers’ Compensation Defense and Occupational Medicine Seminar, Hyannis, MA.
  • 27 April 1992, Invited Lecture, “The Agent Orange Litigation: Paradigm or Paradox; Method or Madness,” Massachusetts School of Law, Andover, MA.
  • 8 July 1991, Faculty, Workers’ Compensation Seminar, College of Insurance, New York City.
  • 15–17 March 1991 “High Resolution Dynamic Digital Infrared Imaging & The Law,” presented at the American Herschel Society Annual Meeting, Dallas
  • 22–23 February 1990, presentation of the “Discussion Paper” to the Science & Technology Round-table on Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources sponsored by the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.
  • 17 January 1986, “Siting a Regional Ashfill: Was the Process Constitutional?” at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Workshop on Social and Ecological Issues Raised by Incineration: Are We Asking the Right Questions? New Haven, CT.
  • 13 April 1985, “Environmental Ethics,” at the Conference on Ethics and the Environment sponsored by the Long Island Philosophical Society and Long Island University/C.W. Post.
  • 12 November 1984, “Agent Orange: A National Issue,” at Vietnam Generation: Spirituality and the Law Conference II sponsored by the State University of New Jersey Rutgers Campus at Newark.
  • 24 September 1984, “Defendants as Plaintiffs and Plaintiffs as Defendants” at the Hazardous Waste Litigation Symposium Co-sponsored by Hofstra University School of Law.
  • 13 January 1984, Faculty, “Handling Toxic Torts or Cancer Claims,” Louisiana Trial Lawyers Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • 17 June 1982, “Word Processing and Litigation Support Systems in the Local Law Office,” at the New Rochelle [NY] Bar Association CLE Seminar.
  • 20 February 1982, “Chemical Defoliation or Chemical Warfare?” at the International Regulation of Chemical and Biological Warfare Symposium sponsored by the University of Toledo Law School, Toledo, OH.
  • 16–18 November, 7–9 December 1981, Course Director, Litigating Cancer Claims, sponsored by the University of San Francisco School of Law and Federal Publications.
  • 31 October 1981, “The Toxic Tort Case—From Cradle to Grave” at the Seminar, New Torts on the Horizon, sponsored by the Orange County [CA] Trial Lawyers Association and Matthew Bender.
  • 10 October 1981 Environmental Land Use Planning, Seminar faculty, New York Planning Federation Annual Meeting, Nevelle, NY.
  • 27 July 1981, “Agent Orange and the Veterans’ Administration.” a presentation to the ATLA Section on Military Justice at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America at San Francisco, CA.
  • 26 July 1981, “Managing Complex Litigation and Mass Toxic Tort Claims” a presentation to the ATLA Section on Environmental Law at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America at San Francisco, CA.
  • 25 July 1981, “MDL 381 The Agent Orange Litigation: Computer Methods for Managing Complex Litigation,” at the Melvin M. Belli Seminar Program on “Computers in Trial Preparation,” San Francisco, CA.
  • 8 July 1981, “Agent Orange and Veterans’ Health,” at the 63rd Annual convention of the American Legion, Department of Pennsylvania, at Pittsburgh, PA.
  • 7 May 1981, “Liability Issues in Handling Hazardous and Low Level Nuclear Waste” at the Conference on Land Use and Development, sponsored by the American Law Institute and American Bar Association (ali/aba); Washington, DC.
  • 6–7 November 1980, in re Agent Orange Products Liability Litigation discussions at the American Law Institute–American Bar Association (ali–aba) course of study on Toxic Substances and Hazardous Wastes cosponsored by the Environmental Law Institute at Washington, DC.
  • 27 January 1980, Testimony on Agent Orange and Veterans’ Health before the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, at Los Angeles, California.
  • 8 April 1979, “Mediation, Alternative to Confrontation in Resolution of Environmental Controversy,” Keynote for The Institute of Ecology, Ninth Annual Meeting, Needs for Ecological Information in Conflict Resolution, at Butler University, Indianapolis, IN.
  • 14–15 March 1979, “Regulation: A Classic Catastrophe,” at the Scientific Session, Perceptions of Risk, for the Fifteenth Annual Meeting Anniversary Celebration of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), at the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
  • 8 July 1976, Invited Lecture, “Environmental Concerns of Eastern Long Island,” at the Special Environmental Seminar, Man and His Environment, Southampton College, Southampton, NY.
  • 8–10 April 1976, “Environmental Auditing and the Environmental Audit,” presented at the American Bar Association Bicentennial National Institute, Interdependence— The Law of the Environment, Valley Forge.
  • 17 December 1974, Faculty, Man and Environment, Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, The Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
  • June 1974, Invited Lecture, “Growth Versus The Environment: The Origins of Our National Environmental Policy,” at the Conference, Future Land Use: Energy, Environmental and Legal Constraints, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ.
  • 26–27 April 1974, “Environment, Energy, Society, and the Law,” at the Symposium on Energy and Society, co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Office of Public Understanding and St. Cloud State College, St. Cloud, MN.
  • 8 December 1973, Invited Lecture, “Equitable Remedies in Environmental Litigation,” Environmental Litigation Clinic, School of Law, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY.
  • 12–14 September 1973, “Can Real Estate Cope with Environmental Protection?,” Fifth National Real Estate Investor Conference, New York City.
  • 13–14 April 1973, Chair/Moderator of the American Bar Association National Institute on Environmental Litigation, Dallas, TX.
  • 27 September 1970, “Natural Resources and Environmental Control” at Highlights 70, the 1970 Congress for Recreation and Parks of the National Recreation and Parks Association
  • 24 April 1970, “Litigation—Civilization’s Alternative to War and Bloody Revolution” at the Borah Foundation Symposium, University of Idaho, Boise, ID.
  • 22 April 1970, Earth Day, “Sue The Bastards” presented keynote addresses to the public on the campuses of Michigan State University, Bradley University, and the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay.
  • 23 January 1970, “Defending the Environment,” Project Survival sponsored by Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
  • 28 December 1969, “Scientists in the Courtroom,” in the joint program Science and the Future of Man, sponsored by Boston College and the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the AAAS Meeting, in Boston, MA.
  • 11–13 November 1969, “Ecologically Sophisticated, Environmentally Responsible, Socially Relevant, Economically Rational and Politically Feasible Legislation,” A presentation to The 1970 Winter Republican Governors’ Conference, Environment and Government: Environmental Legislation and the Political Process, Hot Springs, AK.
  • 11–12 September 1969, Participant/Commentator, Law and the Environment, A Conference sponsored by The Conservation Foundation and The Conservation and Research Foundation, Airlie House, Warrenton, VA.
  • 29 July 1969, “Environmental Rights & Remedies,” keynote to the plenary session on Environmental Law at the Annual Convention, American Trial Lawyers Association (ATLA), Denver, CO.
  • 27 June–2 July 1969, Critical Commentator with Carol A. Yannacone at the Seminar on Environmental Arts & Sciences, “What are the Criteria for Determining an Environmental ‘Bill of Rights,’ ” presented by Thorne Ecological Foundation at Aspen, CO
  • 24 May 1969, “The Scientific Conscience: The New Necessity?”; 25 May 1969, “Pollution: What Do We Breathe When The Air Is Gone?” Colloquy: The American Dream…Conflict ’69; Panel discussions at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, State College, PA
  • 29 September 1967, “Courts of Equity Can Protect Our Environment,” an address delivered to the Sixty-third Annual Convention of the National Audubon Society, Atlantic City, calling for establishment of an Environmental Defense Fund.

Major Awards

  • 1969 National Distinguished Service Conservation Award by The National Wildlife Federation, “For outstanding contributions to the wise use and management of the nation’s natural resources.”
  • 1974 American Bar Association Section of Insurance, Negligence and Compensation Law Certificate of Appreciation for having “given generously of his time and served effectively and constructively as a Committee Chairman of the Section…”
  • 1982 Agent Orange Victims International Award “In recognition of exemplary legal service to Vietnam Veterans. You have demonstrated an extraordinary personal commitment to providing legal redress for thousands of suffering Veterans and their families. This award represents the faith, trust and respect of the national Vietnam Veteran community.”
  • 1992 Long Island Advance Man of the Year Award